
Showing posts from May, 2015

Using Authenticity Material for A Learning Process

  source A good learning process influences the result of a study. A material that is learn must be transferred by the students very clearly, in order that students easy to understand. The materials or proper materials have very important roles. If I become a teacher, I will use the authenticity material. The reason is, using authenticity materials to make students more creative, students easily understand, and the materials are easy to find. First reason, if we used authenticity material , we could make students more creative. Student creativity is needed, so that students are able to develop his ideas well. Creativity also plays a role in the daily lives of students so that they can realize the brilliant idea.

Jakarta: Magnet For Job Seekers

source J akarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia , there is where the seat of government running . There are all government buildings in Jakarta . Not only government buildings but also building which decorate skyline of Jakarta . Jakarta also become a destination job seekers from all over Indonesia . They are certificate from elementary school to college , in fact some people are desperate come to Jakarta look ing for  job without a certificate and appropriate expertise. And finally they became homeless . Sacha Stevenson in his video called How to Act Indonesian part 13 , said: " Indonesia people come to Jakarta, to find a job and they hope someday when the money collected they want to open their own business in their villages ". It is true what Sasha said , but I think there are have other reasons that make the job seekers come to Jakarta . That is because, a great income, hig...

Pendidikan Bukan Solusi Individu

source  ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’. Pendidikan adalah sejata yang paling kuat dan ampuh ketika kau gunakan untuk mengubah dunia. –Nelson Mandela Pendidikan yang baik akan memperbaiki keadaan seseorang. Pendidikan juga akan membawa sebuah bangsa ke arah yang lebih baik. Pendidikan harus dijadikan sebuah pondasi dasar untuk membangun bangsa dalam segala bidang. Kemajuan suatu bangsa tak lepas dari peran pendidikan. Masih melekat di ingatan kita ketika jepang kalah oleh pasukan sekutu Amerika pada perang dunia ke dua. Kota Hiroshima dan Nagasaki hancur terkena bom atom, kedua kota itu luluh lantak. Kemudian kaisar Hirohito memerintahkan para mentrinya untuk mengumpulkan guru-guru yang terisisa. Dan jepang pun memulai pembangunannya dengan menggunakan visi pendidikan. Oleh karena itu pendidikan harus menjadi konsen pemerintah dalam membangun bangsa.