Jakarta: Magnet For Job Seekers


Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, there is where the seat of government running. There are all government buildings in Jakarta. Not only government buildings but also building which decorate skyline of Jakarta. Jakarta also become a destination job seekers from all over Indonesia. They are certificate from elementary school to college, in fact some people are desperate come to Jakarta looking for  job without a certificate and appropriate expertise.

And finally they became homeless. Sacha Stevenson in his video called How to Act Indonesian part 13, said: " Indonesia people come to Jakarta, to find a job and they hope someday when the money collected they want to open their own business in their villages". It is true what Sasha said, but I think there are have other reasons that make the job seekers come to Jakarta. That is because, a great income, high prestige and following exist trend.

In Jakarta offers a very large income. Naturally, job seekers visited Jakarta in Indonesia massively, because Jakarta was the UMP (Minimum Wages Province.red) greatest in Indonesia. So, they are tempted by the income that is looming in sight. Without thinking, how they are failed, how after them are works. Because despite its Jakarta UMP definitely follow with the cost of living in that great anyway, because it's usually the size of the UMP calculate the cost of living.

Some people have very high prestige, to the place where they’re works. Jakarta possessed a very high prestige value, why? Because people will be proud when they asked "where are you working?" And they replied "Jakarta", although it is not clear what type of job. It is unfortunate when people are looking for work but only seeking public recognition when he was working in a prestigious place. Prestige began entrenched in Indonesia.

Probably, looking for a job in Jakarta is a trend among the public especially job seekers. There are simply just part of some people are know that work in Jakarta is a trend that is happening in society. With all the advancement and luxury that the city can offer, making the job seekers to quickly make Jakarta as the main objective to find a job.


Job seekers looking at Jakarta as the main objective to find a job, it's as if the state already entrenched in the community. Indonesia is not only Jakarta. I think the big cities such as Bandung, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, and others, also have the same potential. It's just that the Indonesian people already assume that Jakarta was the place they most want. Work was not just looking for a great income, high prestige and try bandwagon trend. Work according to ability, and anywhere.


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